I was pointed towards Avant Browser earlier via a Blog Post and I must have to admit that I've pretty much fell in love with this.
Avant Browser, is in my own opinion, Internet Explorer on steroids. This very popular browser package incorporates Internet Explorer without a hitch, but adds an array of useful items. Such items include:
- Flash Animation Filters
- Built-in Popup-up stopper
- Additional Mouse Functions
- Multi-Window Browsing
- Real Full Screen Mode / Alternative Desktop mode
- Built in Yahoo/Google searching
- Full IE compatibility
- Skins
Okay, okay, so some of these are no brainers and can be easily used with the current Internet Explorer, or are already built in with FireFox / Mozilla, Opera, the one item that stands out to me is the Multi-Window Browsing. This takes surfing the internet to a MDI level (Yes, I know Opera can do this too). However, I'm a IE fanatic, and the huge differences between the alternative browsers listed above is in how things are presented to me.
At the time of this writing, Avant Browser is at version 9.02, Build 033, and it is stable as heck. The UI is a bit hard to get used to at first, but with the tool tips and customized skins, it makes it easy to get that IE feeling. With the price that cannot be overlooked (free!), Avant Browser is definately a must look for all.
